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The Third Eye Initiation Retreat



September 13-22, 2024



72 Hours of Curriculum

+3 Months Mentoring Program!

This very comprehensive training and mentoring program is the dream of any serious practitioner to make self-mastery a reality. Master Del Pe and his team of senior seers will spiritually hand-hold apprentices and serve as mentors for a few months until the students develop self-confidence on the weekly techniques and practices.

E-book included

with the retreat!

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What you can gain...

  • Develop the 5 levels of intelligences for more advanced vision building, decision-making and problem-solving

  • A courageous, loving heart to expand the power of your service and make a world of difference

  • Higher than normal will-power to finish what you start faster

  • Very high stamina for higher productivity and longevity

  • More developed intuition and wisdom to lead in life

  • Power to manifest only good things in life
    A quantum leap of consciousness

A once-in-a-lifetime experience...

A priceless spiritual experience that enables you to advance human intelligence and equip your life with spiritual technology to master your personality. Participate in the Virgo Full Moon, one of the highest and most important global full moon meditation events of the year and channel the Virtue of Discipline and Constancy. 

Want to join the in-person retreat?

Here's what you get...

  • Training Curriculum for Mastering Your Third Eye (Level 1 or Level 2)

  • Extra live lectures and engagements directly with Master Del Pe

  • Networking and Interaction with Master Del Pe, his team of senior healers and mentors

  • Full Moon Group Meditation for alignment and virtue-development

  • Group Healing for boosting your vitality, calmingyour emotions and sharpening your mind

  • Visit to Natural Therapeutic Hot Springs

  • Martial Arts-Yoga Science and outdoor activities

  • Entertainment program with live performances,dancing and karaoke

  • Airport pick-up and drop-off

  • Accommodation at MDP Village Retreat Resort

  • Organic Vegetarian Meals

  • Certificate of Completion from BElife Institute for Higher Consciousness

  • Prepara il tuo corpo, energia, emozioni, mente e coscienza per la costruzione, lo sviluppo e l'attivazione del tuo Terzo Occhio

  • Tirocinio pratico in Scienza della Guarigione, Psicologia Esoterica e Scienza dell'Anima

  • Guarisci il tuo passato, rimuovi gli ostacoli della tua vita e potenzia il tuo futuro

Level 1 Curriculum

  • Construct and activate your Third Eye

  • Receive advanced education in Spiritual Technology, Esoteric Psychology and Spiritual Anatomy leading to a higher awakening of your Soul and sacred fire

  • Develop greater power and wisdom

Level 2 Curriculum

3 Levels of THIRD EYE Curriculum Explained by a Modern Sage (Part 1)
3 Levels of THIRD EYE Curriculum Explained by a Modern Sage (Part 2)
3 Levels of THIRD EYE Curriculum Explained by a Modern Sage (Part 3)
Beyond AI: A Spiritual Technology

The Third Eye Initiation Retreat Curriculum

  • What is the Third Eye?
    The Third Eye is a marvel of spiritual technological advancement with many tools in one. It is like the “Swiss Army knife” of human energy anatomy. The term “spiritual technology” denotes the fact that inner scientific and systematic uses of the Third Eye are governed by esoteric science, spiritual laws, principles and applications. The Third Eye acts as a fast spiritual modem, high-speed computer, high-tech communications, seeing and photographing equipment. It is also a spiritual telescope and microscope to view macro- cosmic and microcosmic data with infinitesimal detail.
  • Why is the Third Eye a Spiritual Technology?
    The Third Eye is not just another psychic faculty but is considered a spiritual technology because it is a developed internal capability that combines different parts of your anatomy and higher intelligences. It is a synthesis of many inner powers and spiritual powers combined into one and serves as the landing point of the seat of your soul. The Third Eye has a configuration, methods for development, techniques for use, and do's and don'ts, much like any external technology. It needs to be developed within ourselves and requires readiness of the entire energy system, not just one energy center or chakra so that we can use its capabilities to expand our potential, serve others, gain more power, have more impact in life, envision more, make better decisions, and equip us with clear insight to penetrate and solve problems at a higher degree.
  • What are the Third Eye Myths?
    The Third Eye does not mean clairvoyance or psychic faculties. The Third Eye is superior to psychic faculties. A psychic's perception can be negatively affected if the seer’s own chakras or auras are dirty or if they are working in an energetically contaminated location. When this happens, the perceived data will be inaccurate or negatively tainted. It is like looking through warped glass or a dirty window; the real landscape won’t be perceived properly. Psychics can also be biased according to their culture, religion or training. With Third Eye use, there are fewer chances of misinterpretation of data, especially by those who are esoterically-trained because the Third Eye is a more sophisticated technology than just using chakras or auras, which can be contaminated by the environment or the seer’s own issues. Many people think it is located in the Ajna chakra or energy center (in between the eyebrows), but in reality, the Third Eye is not a physical organ but rather a combination of energy centers and internal energy within our body. It is associated with many fuels and capacities that hold secrets yet to be discovered.
  • What are the benefits of the Third Eye?
    Its benefits include: Power to manifest only good goals in your life A high grade of will-power to finish what you start faster 5 ascending levels of intelligences for more advanced decision making and problem-solving More developed intuition and wisdom to make you a pioneer and bring breakthrough ideas to the world A quantum leap in consciousness leading to achievable enlightenment in this life Sustainable internal stamina for higher productivity and better longevity A courageous, loving heart to expand the power of your service to make a world of difference When we are working on developing the Third Eye, we are balancing and creating a very strong pillar of consciousness in you so that you are not overly spiritual or overly material but you are in the right balance and in sync growing your spirituality with the material support hand in hand so that you will be a grounded, practical, impactful spiritual server. Whether you choose to use the Third Eye for yourself or you choose to use it for service to others and so on, you will find that you are growing much faster than before. When all these factors combine, they form a synthesized technology that can help you achieve great things.
  • How does one develop the Third Eye?
    To develop the Third Eye properly, you will be given guidance to awaken chakras in the head, heart and lower energy system below the solar plexus area that affect the sacred fire, kundalini. Although all the chakras must be purified, energized and activated, these particular chakras are of major importance. The whole energy system needs to be ready to develop the Third Eye because it's not just about being good with one energy center while having a mess in the rest of the energy system. Developing the Third Eye requires overall balance and readiness in the entire energy system. It's essential to avoid being imbalanced, and avoid facing crises in all areas of life. You will have to build your overall energy system to be clear, and strong, release the negative karma, awaken your kundalini or internal sacred fire and then develop your divine light or your connection to your higher consciousness.
  • Why is the Third Eye a curriculum?
    The Third Eye is considered a whole curriculum because developing it requires a comprehensive approach that goes beyond just a single technique or practice. It involves polishing one's character, awakening all the chakras, and cleansing karma to ensure balanced and steady spiritual growth. Rushing the development of the Third Eye can lead to potential spiritual crises. The idea is that by engaging in this comprehensive curriculum, individuals can grow spiritually in a balanced and harmonious manner, reducing the risk of experiencing spiritual crises or unnecessary acceleration.
  • Why are mentors and the community necessary?
    Certified Mentors and Trainers provide continuous support, blessings and group healings to graduates. As the power and force increase in the practice of more advanced techniques, there is much need to supervise the reactions of the personality of the practitioner. In a few cases, adjustments of the esoteric techniques are required if a student is overwhelmed with his/her higher speed of spiritual development. Some might need deeper understanding and discussion of what they have experienced When you grow very fast, it can lead to a spiritual crisis or acceleration. Your old karma starts to come out, and you have to deal with it. The faster you grow, the faster that stuff comes out. It's important to have the right mentors and an environment where you have support to stabilize your karma as you grow. It's essential to have advanced healers guiding you along the way and teaching you the correct techniques to handle the crisis and acceleration that may occur.
  • Is the Third Eye Retreat really for me?
    If you are a purpose-driven person, an individual who's inspired to do good, to leave a positive impact in the world, and to create your legacy, then you need the Third Eye, and this is for you! The Third Eye destroys blockages to create, anchor, and land new meaningful projects that will have the power to withstand difficulties because they have been blessed with the power of the good side. With the Third Eye, you will preserve good things that should not be destroyed nor polluted by negative influences and create a lasting impact in your and others’ lives!
  • Why join this retreat at the MDP Village?
    The retreat in-person is an accelerated advanced training at the MDP village in the Philippines. During this time, you are inside a protected environment, fully immersed in positive energy to safely develop and awaken your Third Eye. The program will be condensed into three months, and the retreat seeks to enable participants to learn and implement the teachings for the greater good without having to spend years and lifetimes searching for enlightenment. Taking this opportunity is a great way to learn and grow quickly while being immersed in a supportive community of like-minded, like-hearted, like-souled individuals. This environment allows for personal and spiritual growth, as well as the opportunity to connect with people who will support and guide you as you progress. If this resonates with you, then the logistical details such as date and time are just minor considerations in comparison. If joining in person is not possible at this time, you can also join online.
  • What is the daily agenda like?
    The daily curriculum is for a full day. For those in-person, the day usually starts early with martial arts, physical exercises and outdoor meditation. Then the participants join the workshops, have breaks and activities in between, do community handyworks, marksmanship training, nature trips, local market visits, experience live pep talks with Master Del Pe, enjoy singing, dancing, and entertainment during dinners and have facilitations or healings at the end of the day. We usually celebrate the opening, closing and graduation with lively parties. For online, there is a daily program that the participants follow as well and they join the in-person group during the opening. facilitations, healing, networking, graduation and closing sessions.
  • What does the Full Moon have to do with the Third Eye Retreat? Why should I join this September?
    The special Full Moon in Virgo in September is considered one of the highest energy times for spiritual technology because the Virgo connects with more scientific and technological energy, providing an endowment for the best Third Eye development of the whole year. We train you on the Full Moon meditation strategy and you become a channel or a source of bringing this positive energy and sharing it broadly with other Advanced Souls.
  • What happens after three months?
    Monthly group coaching and spiritual mentoring ensures graduates are executing their weekly routines properly. Spiritual Mentoring also provides healing support because sometimes practitioners find adjustments following Intermediate Level 1 training can trigger the release of discomforts. People do not have to deal with this process alone. In addition to monthly meetings, graduates of the Mastering Your Third Eye Programs are blessed by Master Del Pe as well as their Spiritual Mentors, to facilitate their growth and to help them sustain their momentum. As in any growth curve, the first few months of adaptation are most critical. Mentoring supports the apprentice as they gain spiritual self-confidence and initiative. After the initial three months of mentoring, the program doesn't just come to an end. We will have augmentation facilitation sessions and we will handhold you to mentor you through the process until you're able to stabilize, internalize and utilize these techniques. Make them functional in your day-to-day life and grow positively. The ongoing support, engagement, and access to healing resources aim to ensure that you can apply what you've learned, continue your growth, and contribute positively to the community. It's not just a program; it's an ongoing journey of growth and connection with the community of individuals who understand and support each other.
  • Is translation in other languages available in this Retreat?
    Yes! The sessions are in English and translation is available in Spanish and Italian.

Join The Third Eye Initiation Retreat!

Super Early Bird Discount valid until July 13, 2024 | Early Bird Discount valid until August 13, 2024

Retreat Gallery

Maximize your potential with SPIRITUAL TECHNOLOGY beyond your expectations!
"THIRD EYE is a QUANTUM LEAP of Consciousnes!" | The Third Eye Initiation Retreat Experience
I was healed quickly through this LIFE-TRANSFORMING program!
Advance your soul and become a student of life at any age!
Invest in this asset to get the highest return on investment...
How all areas of my life and health improved!
How I transformed from grief to enlightenment!



Il tuo itinerario









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Master Del Pe


Maestro spirituale | Guaritore miracoloso |

Mentore di vita | Filantropo | Imprenditore spirituale


Master Del Pe è conosciuto a livello internazionale come saggio dalle mille sfaccettature. Il suo background è vario e ricco dell'alchimia del meglio della saggezza orientale e della conoscenza occidentale. Alcuni lo conoscono come maestro spirituale, guaritore miracoloso, maestro di arti marziali, esperto mondiale di meditazione e degli 8 tipi di yoga, umanitario, trasformatore sociale, ingegnere, filantropo e imprenditore spirituale.

Autore di 12 libri incentrati sullo sviluppo personale e sull'automaestria, ha creato oltre 200 corsi, 150 dei quali disponibili online, tenuti nelle sue 3 organizzazioni internazionali: il Wisdom Institute for Leadership and Global Advancement (WILGA), il World Institute for Incurable Diseases (WIID) e il BElife Institute for Higher Consciousness (BIHC). La sua esperienza nelle filosofie, religioni e culture del mondo nasce dall'apprendimento diretto e dalle esperienze vissute in molte culture viaggiando in oltre 100 paesi e insegna e guarendo oltre 400.000 clienti in tutto il mondo.

Considerato un saggio moderno dai suoi studenti in tutto il mondo e un mentore di vita per amministratori delegati, aziende, leader mondiali e governi, Master Del Pe ha dedicato la sua vita alla formazione di studenti di tutto il mondo sulla spiritualità, sulle strategie di vita equilibrata e sulla leadership attraverso la saggezza. Attraverso i suoi insegnamenti, porta all'umanità il concetto di "Volare alto con 2 ali equilibrate: spirituale e materiale" per aiutarli a vivere la propria vita migliore ed essere completamente realizzati.

Ha creato il BIHC come organizzazione pionieristica di formazione lungo la linea della psicologia esoterica, della scienza esoterica, della tecnologia spirituale, dell'alchimia divina, della scienza della guarigione e della filosofia di vita Acquariana. Ha sviluppato un resort di montagna nelle Filippine nell'ambiente più incontaminato come quartier generale mondiale dei suoi 3 istituti. Master Del Pe forma e certifica specialisti di guarigione e formatori spirituali di livello mondiale per guidare e guarire clienti da tutto il mondo tramite servizi online o di persona. Molti studenti internazionali giungono al suo MDP Village Resort per guarigione, apprendistato spirituale, ritiri spirituali e certificazione per diventare formatore o specialista.

Ha vissuto in molti paesi prima di stabilirsi come imprenditore a Houston, Texas, USA. Dal 2015, è tornato nelle Filippine per sviluppare un nuovo resort, l'MDP Village, concentrandosi sulla formazione e sul mentoring di studenti provenienti da tutto il mondo nel percorso della longevità, dell'illuminazione e della guarigione. Insomma, vuole essere conosciuto come colui che insegna alle persone ad "avere maestria della vita in anticipo sui tempi".

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